Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Friday, May 8, 2020

Who are bff's?

Bff's are not just best friends, they're people who stand together no matter what. They are people who sacrifice what they want for the other person to be happy. They tell each other everything no matter how hard.

Anytime your bff keep a secret from you, don't keep grudges just fix up and u'll find out that he or she will finally open up to you and will never want to let you go.

No matter where they separate they'll always remember each other. A great idea is keeping charm bracelets, necklaces or lockets and those things should be one of your most prized possessions.

If you ever find out that you have a REAl bff do everything you can to keep you guys together no matter the grudges, arguements or even keeping secrets, because together you guys could achieve anything.

Imagine there's this bag girl on your school and your bff got into a part in a play that you always wanted to be in and that bad girl tells you to sabotage the play for her so that she will fail telling you that you will gain. She's lying to you. Even if you really wanted the spot you have to cheer for her and support her so that she will be proud of you.
That's all you have to do to know you have and you WILL be a real bff!!!


Okay so we've all seen what makes Liv and Maddie great now we're gonna see what makes Jane and Jessie awesome 😁

 Take for instance fashion choice 
 Jane prefers a simple, casual yet fashionable style
Jess on the other hand prefers an elaborate,stop n stare outfit
Now food choice 
Jane loves junk food like chicken, pizza,etc
Jess prefers a healthy variety of food 

Decision making
Jane makes reasonable practical decision s
Jess makes crazy unimaginable dramatic out of the box decision s which most likely gets them into trouble 😉 
Now I'm not saying One is better than the other but I'm saying their better together 👭

One special episode on Liv and Maddie that I found out

One episode of liv and maddie, during their 'sweet sixteen', the twins' mom accidentally told them that liv and maddie  were NOT born on the same day. Technically liv was born on the 5th , 11:56 while Maddie was born on the 6th by 12:02. Maddie was depressed because she always loved it when she and liv blew out theai candles together.

so liv called her friends diggy,willow,etc to help her prepare for a suprise party for maddie. they took her to one of her favorite restaurants and tried to stall her till midnight
luckily by midnight everything was ready and they had the best party planned by liv . 
liv was really anxious of the party because she said"the fate of my plan rests in the hands of a person named diggie". 
liv was about to get her phone to take a picture, when she left, the windmill that was at the barkyard was turned on super high and the super sweet 16 cake was sprayed on everyone!
She was like" is this what could happen by the few seconds that I was gone?" but she just said it in her head!     BUT THE FAMILY AND THE LOVE STILL KEPT GOING!!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

LOVE Dove Cameron

 Dove Cameron is a popular actress loved by almost everyone because of her ability. She has starred in the Disney show Liv and Maddie 

acting as both characters, she even acted in Descendants 

another Disney movie, Jessica and Janet mimics her show Liv and Maddie as Jessie prefers Liv because of her fashion and Janet prefers Maddie because of her swag as those are their characters. But bothe Liv and Maddie are the same person and that's how they bond. discovering that they can never be separated, the find new to accomplish, Jessica has a dream to be a popular actress while Janet has the dream to be a professional basketball player and I agree those are two great and achievable dreams.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Follow Your Dream

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Everyone has a dream

Every dream is achievable no matter what, funny but even if you want to end up a janitor nothing can stop you.
when I was 7 years old, I told everyone that I wanted to be a soccer player,
guess what?
They all laughed and said "soccer is for guys, not girls like you"
But right now I love soccer and I made it so because I didn't look down on it. Imagine if I said "it's true,it's for guys"
I wouldn't have loved it today and surely I'll regret it. People like Jessie who wants to become an actress in future, is a very good example. when everyone told her to stop thinking about it because it won't happen, I told her to ignore the comments and suggestions everyone made and FOLLOW HER DREAM, right now everyone knows her as a very good actor and those who almost let her down are relived that they didn't... follow my advice and no matter what anybody tells you, your dream is for you, not them. Don't think about how they'll end up, it's how you'll end up and it's all about YOUR DREAM!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The beginning of J&J

 this is the life of a normal girl, but she isn't living a normal life.

    Since elementary school she hasn't had a normal life. but her life changed when she met her bff  Jessica Anderson, a wonderful companion to her new life in middle school. they love the same things and they are always bonded. Right now they are 9th grade and they have become J & J. Janet and Jessica .Janet is always followed by bad luck but it isn't going to stop her.

Stay tuned for more of her adventure as a-she goes on...


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